Imaging Services

Imaging Services

Diagnostic Imaging Services in St. Petersburg, FL

Saint Pete MRI offers diagnostic imaging services to individuals in St. Pete and the local area. We have state-of-the-art equipment and we take pride in working with local referring physicians to provide excellent care to our patients. The services we offer include high-field MRI, DTI/NeuroQuant testing, ultrasound, echocardiogram, CT scans and x-rays. 

High Field MRI

Saint Pete MRI offers state-of-the-art high field MRI, a safe and noninvasive test that uses a powerful magnetic field to create images of organs, bones, cartilage, soft tissue, and other parts of your body. Your physician will use these images for diagnosis and treatment. 

DTI / Neuroquant

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and NeuroQuant are two tests offered at Saint Pete MRI that focus on the brain. Your doctor can use the results of these tests to rule out or confirm brain trauma, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological conditions.


An x-ray is a painless test that uses electromagnetic radiation to produce images of the bones and other structures in the body. At Saint Pete MRI, we take x-rays when a physician needs to evaluate and diagnose a broken bone, pneumonia, tumors, and other health conditions. 

64 Slice CT Scan

At Saint Pete MRI, our hospital-quality 16-slice CT machine uses x-ray images to provide a close view of organs, bones, and muscles. This test helps diagnose disorders, tumors, and damage from trauma. Low Dose software minimizes your radiation exposure while producing a high-quality image.


Saint Pete MRI provides echocardiogram testing, which is an ultrasound that allows the physician to see the structures of the heart to rule out, diagnose, or monitor various types of heart disease, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, artery blockages, and other cardiac issues.


Saint Pete MRI provides ultrasound testing, which is a noninvasive procedure that uses sound waves to produce images of the organs and tissues in the body. Your doctor might recommend an ultrasound during pregnancy or to look for signs of health problems in various areas of the body.
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